So the the end of the year draws ever closer, but what have I learnt a long the way?
I have learnt more about how kids feed off positive energy and high levels of enthusiasm! I realised its important to always demonstrate this as a coach with younger children as I have talked about numerous times on how Lai (2011), describes in her work about intrinsic motivation being animated through personal enjoyment! If as coaches we can demonstrate this enthusiasm and enegery levels, players seen to respond more positive and will substantially learn more through enjoyment of the session/activity.
Another thing I have learnt about is my reflection. As in integral part of the coaching process is to reflect. I had a habit of reflecting after my coaching sessions, I now find myself reflecting during sessions not just after. I think with deeper reflection we can learn more about ourselves as coaches but people too!
I have learnt to take extra considerations when planning sessions! Rather than stating the session quite technical sometimes it's best to break it down to the very basics of the skill/technique, allowing players to progress and develop themselves as players at their own pace!
Not just how we plan the sessions, but how we begin them! Instead of having the traditional approach of a warm up, drill, progression drills, game, we looked at approaching it from a whole-part-whole perspective. This means we put the how before the why in coaching, and can have a significant increase in personal enjoyment.
As a coach I've never really used a blogging tool to really reflect on any sessions. It seems a little different, considering I'm a young person who is familiar with social networking sites, which in a way blogging is just another one. I have found it a little difficult to get used to, but I know I can keep this tool for future reference, and keep updating/blogging about my coaching in the future and use it as brilliant tool to keep track of how I develop as coach, not just from my university years, but continuos coaching once I leave!
With opportunities coming up to work in Zambia using sport and recreational activities to raise awareness of issues effecting 3rd world countries is something I am looking forward to, and looking forward to sharing my experiences with other coaches! My next stop is the states.. That's right I'll be in the USA living the American dream.. Well my dream at least! I've always wanted to do something in sport abroad, preferably in America an now I'm 2 months off achieving it. Hopefully I can do a good job and land myself a job out there, coaching on a permanent basis! But what will be will be, so we'll have to see how it goes. For now, that's all folks!
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