Monday, 15 April 2013

Lets reflect on our reflection!

Semester 1 review

Over the first semester, I have learnt quite a lot about not myself as a coach, but as a person. This has been the first time I have ever kept a logged diary of my coaching sessions, and the first time I have really looked to reflect on myself and my sessions in greater depth.  As coaches we should always strive to reflect on everything we do, but sometimes it could be a reflection on an idea, a discussion with another coach, anything! I think my weak points over the first semester have been my failure to constantly update my blog. Having had several issues with the password, and getting used to the whole concept of "blogging" has made for a slow start but I am hoping to keep on top of it more in the second semester.


One of my strongest points has been my innovative thinking I have done throughout the first semester. Not just my thinking when coaching, but when away from the coaching setting, I am always thinking of things, or being involved in discussions with other coaches on certain aspects of coaching. I think one thing to add to my innovative thinking now is to do a little more academic reading around the coaching field, reading more about the the things I am thinking/talking about.


One of the best things to come out of semester one was being tested with my biggest fear, coaching a sport I am unfamiliar with (1), and being put on the spot to coach (2). These two are my biggest fears and both came at the same time when asked to coach a "set" in Netball. As coaches we all have our own sport which are familiar with, and when coaching in that sport we call it our "comfort zone", I think sometimes as coaches it's important we test ourselves by going out of our comfort zone to coach. This Is what I am looking forward to more of in semester 2, being tested, being taken out of my comfort zone to coach. I mean how else are we supposed to learn and develop as coaches if we don't test ourselves?
I am looking forward to getting semester 2, I have two brilliant opportunities to go out and do coaching in America, and also going out to Zambia, using sport and recreational activities to raise awareness to some serious subjects.

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