October 12th 2012
Our practical today was carrying in from last weeks session with Cliff on the different types of sport. This week instead of going through all of them and creating and activity for each, we had to chose to one of them in which we created s different session, to deliver back to the class.
We picked the A-B-C's (Agility, Balance, Co-Ordination) . As we discovered from the previous week, A-B-C's wasn't our strongest subject. However from previous experience, we managed to successfully create an activity that incorporated all 3 of the skills. The activity even had numerous progression stages, unlike the session last week which had none.
We chose 8 players to participate in our activity and Cliff assigned the remaining students with roles to observe the activity and feedback back to our group.
The feedback we received was very positive. Once again I walked away with a greater understanding of how I can change and/or improve sessions.
In my opinion this was a much better session compared to the previous week. We managed to go from a simple activity to having progression stages, competitive elements, something that was missing last time.
You describe in great detail the process that you have gone through and you are clearly learning how to construct and de-construct a coaching session. However you now need to explore what skills you are learning as a coach and how this will help you develop your range strategies to cope with different sports and different types of performers. Can I suggest you engage in wider reading around coaching methods and strategies to help you understand the skills we are trying to develop through the module. Overall your participation has been first class, well done.